1955 Born in Heilbronn, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

1974 – 1982 University Freiburg German Philology, Diploma

1987 Visiting student of Prof. El Attar University Kassel

1988 – 1993 Academy of Fine Arts University Kassel, Prof. Buchleiter and Prof. Schuler

1993 Fine Arts Diploma

1995/2004 Furtherance of Dr. Wolfgang Zippel Foundation, Kassel

1995/1999 Honors Art Competition Nordhessen

1996 DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) grant for Japan

2004 Competition of Public Work Services Frankfurt, 1 st prize

Artist in Residence – Grant, Mojacar, Fundacion Valparaiso, Spain

2012 Artist in Residence – Grant, Ifitry, Morocco

2012 Award UPK- Art Competition Kassel, 1st prize



2022 erste hilfe – first aid, exhibition in context of documenta 15, Hugenottenhaus Kassel

2021/22 KONTEXT, Galerie in the Courts, Kassel

2021 Schnittstellen – 100 Jahre Brückner Kühner, Kunsttempel Gallery, Kassel

2019 Cassel Calling – Poetische Positionen, MAERZ Gallery Linz, Austria

2018 Antropophagische Poesie, Kunsttempel Gallery, Kassel

2017 Dynamische Zeichen, Gallery Am Park, Wien, Austria

Entropia, Gallery Barbagianna, Florenz Pontassieve, Italy

2016 anwesend – abwesend, Kunstverein Germersheim

Festival Podkowa Lesná, Poland

2014 Biennale Casablanca, Marocco

2012/13 UPK- Art Competition and exhibition Bild und Gegenbild, Kassel

2012 Encuentros, Kunsttempel Gallery, Kassel

2011 Mapping the Wor(l)d, TheArtspace, Düsseldorf

2009 Japanisch visuelle Poesie, Kunsttempel Gallery, Kassel

2008 espacios mediterraneos, Casa de las Conchas, Salamanca, Spain

A book for a lifetime, Goethe Center, Nicosia, Cyprus

2007 Arte Mobile, vom Stein zum Chip / From Stone to Microchip*, Palazzo Vecchio, Firence, Italy

2006 Kennen Sie jemanden hier? 8th artist festival , Kulturbahnhof, Kassel

2005 Kooperationen / Cooperation, Kunstfrühling 2005, Bremen

2004 Mensch und Behausung / human being and habitat, cooperation with Chus Lopez Vidal Galeria Por Amor á Arte, Porto, Portugal

2003 schattentöne / shadow tones*
Installation, Staatliche Museen Kassel, Neue Galerie/National Museum Kassel

2002 kein wort verloren / no word lost* cooperation with author Eva Maria Berg, Freiburg

2001 carambolage, cooperation work with Chus Lopez Vidal, Kunsttempel Gallery, Kassel

2000 Transparenzen / Transparencies, Glass Pavillon Rheinbach/Bonn

1999 Schrifttafeln und Objekte / Writing Tablets and Objects, Kunstverein Donaueschingen

1998 Visuelle Dialoge / Visual Dialogues*, symposium and exhibition of European artists,
Die Höge, Bassum

1997 Zwischenspiel / Intermezzo, exhibition Museum Korbach

1996 Über – setzung / Trans – lation, cooperation work with Mariyo Yagi, Kyoto, Japan

1995 excerptum, installation in Kunstverein Gallery, Göttingen

Bewegung / Movement, Art competion Nordhessen, Korbach*

1994 Reisebericht / Travel Report, Produzentengalerie, Kassel

In Bewegung / In Movement, installations in the urban area of Kassel with an exhibition and ‘Raum für Aktuelle Kunst’, Kassel

1993 Schichtungen / Layers, exhibition, Culture House DOCK 4, Kassel

transit, symposium and exhibition, artists from Easteuropean countries and artists from

Kassel showed installations in the former hotel „Hessenland“, Kassel*

Entgleisung – Desaster oder Emanzipation / Derailment – Desaster or Emancipation,
symposium, Art train, Chemnitzer Künstlerbund, Chemnitz

1992 Platz da / Make Way – Defining Places in Kassel, documenta 8 city programm Kassel

Zeitbrücken / Time Bridges*, symposium and open air exhibition, Mühlhausen

1991 Irritationen am Wegesrand / Irritation on Roadside, open air exhibition, Wendland

1990 Machines Follies – Das Künstliche und der Mensch / The Artificial and Human beiing,
art project in cooperation with ‘Lezard’, Leather factory Millau, France

1989 Machines Follies – Mensch – Maschine / Human being – Machine, art project in cooperation
with the french artist group ‘Lezard’, Salzmannfabrik Kassel




Municipality Kassel , Municipality Donaueschingen