The bird flight.
Graphic walk inspired by Albrecht Dürer's alpine drawings.
With artist Paulo Brighenti.
Presential: July 15th at 11 am
Online: July 29th at 6.30 pm
This month, the presential graphic walks will be restarted, on a circuit, taking approximately 1h30, through the nature and landscape surrounding RAMA.
Those interested in taking part on 15th July, between 11am and 12.30pm, can register by sending an email to:
A maximum of 6 participants will be accepted, in order of registration, until the 12th of July.
This event is free of charge.
Materialspaper in small formats, charcoal, watercolours and brushes, eraser.
It is necessary to bring shoes and comfortable clothes, hat and water bottle.
This walk will be filmed and broadcast by Zoom, for online participation, on the 29th at 6.30pm.